From The Runway To RVA

I have some exciting news that I want to share with everyone!
Through some exciting new circumstances I now have the opportunity to help contribute to a street style column once a week for the up and coming fashion website From The Runway To RVA!
I will be going around Richmond with my trusty camera and snapping photos (after asking permission of course) of those of you who are dressed stylishly and uniquely, and asking a few questions about what you're wearing and then featuring you on the site (which is founded by Larissa Wisniewski).
All ages, men, women, and children will be sought out and photographed.
I am super excited and looking forward to interacting with some fun Richmond-ers since I myself adore Richmond, being born and raised here, and not only that but fashion and unique style is something I definitely love as well, so to have both in the mix I feel like quite the lucky girl.
So start looking your best Richmond.

You have been warned.