Loves of the Week

This week I'm loving:

1. This dress from Karla's Closet

2. All this cute whale stuff found via A Cup of Jo

3. These shoes (via Souvenirs)

4. This poem my Aunt and I made up on her word calendar

5. These handmade baby moccasins found on Kandice's blog
(do they come in my size??)

6. The fact that I went to TWO lovely weddings this past weekend, one of them at the train station downtown
 (more pictures to come)

7. All the rain we've been having.
(I really want to go dancing and puddle jumping in it)

8. The fact that they were selling replicas of this shirt Pablo is wearing at the exhibit this weekend.
How silly.

9. This quote

10. This picture (via Souvenirs)

What are you loving this week?