Ode to Audrey

Today is Audrey Hepburn's Birthday.  I love her. She's my favey fav. But then again, who doesn't like Audrey? I'm not really very big on obsessing over celebrities, and I don't really keep up with any or hollywood in general really (though I do love Zooey Deschanel and Taylor Swift. And I may have crushes on Christian Bale and Adam Brody to name a few...).
However, not only was Audrey a talented and beautiful actress, but a genuinely kind and wonderful person. I read her biography a couple years ago, and it was a very interesting read. I thought so anyway.
I can't really remember when my adoration for her started but I think it was around the time I saw Breakfast At Tiffany's when I was maybe 13 or 14 years old. Needless to say I have loved her ever since.
So in honor of her Birthday here are a few of my favorite pictures of this iconic actress.