This One Goes Out To All The Mama's

But most especially my Mama.
For always being there for me. For (mostly) tolerating my occasional overly eccentric style of dress. For teaching me many, many life lessons (there are far too many to even count). For raising me the way she did. For always supporting me in everything I do, and for pushing me to follow my dreams and do better. For always listening, no matter how trivial my complaints or concerns. For instilling in me a love for thrifting. For being my best friend. For laughing at everything. For being patient with me (sometimes when I least deserve it). For being the best example of what a good Mom looks like, one I can only hope I'm as great as when it's my turn to be a Mother. And for so much more that she really should have more than one day a year to celebrate her.
Here's to you Mommy. I love you.