This Weeks Wishes

1. That I could own a lovely Michael Kors watch (or at the least a decent knock off...)
2. That our Spring had stuck around just a tad bit longer. The humidity has long since made itself very much at home and made it clear it's staying for awhile.
3. That I could be in England with one of my best friends who is traveling abroad for the next few weeks. So very green with envy.
4. That Summer would stop trying to rush and get itself over with. It's already June practically.... not ok.
5. That I could be sailing. Or more specifically reading a good book while sailing.
6. That my to-do list would do itself.
7. That I hadn't just eaten quite so many rainbow cookies....
8. That I could have a jar of Nutella
9. That I could be good at motivating myself when I most need to
10. That all those pictures I need to edit would just edit themselves........