Camera Obsessed

I've acquired a camera wish list.....

1. The Oktomat

Appeal: Takes 8 fun pictures in one frame! Photo's galore.

Appeal: Takes wide angle pictures in really saturated tones

Appeal: Umm it's a CAT, how cute. What isn't the appeal? And it might meow when you click the shutter button.....

Appeal: Takes two photo's on one frame

Appeal: Takes 4 pictures in one frame (Like a photobooth!)

Appeal: Gives cool dreamy vignetting and other effects to pictures.

7. Waterproof Underwater Lomo Camera

Appeal: Waterproof up to 12 feet underwater. Plus, no more worrying about getting cameras wet at the beach or pool.

8. A Minolta
I've played around with my Dad's old x-700 and I love it. I'm on the look out for a cheap one. Not sure what kind yet though....

This list grows longer daily the more I research. This could be a problem.