Purl Soho

Well hello there!
Bet you thought I had died from a Christmas cookie overdose or something didn't you? Sorry for the lack of posting, however I've been in New York City (yes, my third time this year!) so I think my absence can be excused, don't you think? I went for a few days and it was so nice to get away and have a little vacation.
Though coming home to 93 emails was a little stressful...
I won't be long because I have a lot of Christmas wrapping and present finishing to do but I did want to share a small snippet from my trip!

I went to the very lovely, ever so beautiful Purl SoHo while in NYC and let me tell you... It's a knitter/crocheter/sewer/crafter's dream come true.
I almost died.
Never had I seen so much beautifulness in one place!
And so nicely color organized too (I love color organization).
If I had all the money in the world a good portion of it surely would go to purchasing the store.
I could have quite happily lived there.
I loved it so much that I went twice.
Ok sorry, enough gushing, here are some photos so that you can potentially better understand my euphoria. 

I was pretty much in heaven

 cool panorama picture taken with my friends phone

he's a good yarn store buddy

the cowl I knit on the way home with some purchased yarn

It was a wonderful experience and everyone there was so nice and helpful.
Needless to say I will be going again the next time I visit New York.

Also make sure to check out their blog where they post almost daily tutorials and patterns for fun crafts!

Another New York post full of pictures will come soon after Christmas.
But for now, back to present wrapping.