30 Day Photo Challenge

This month I participated in a 30 day photo challenge created by Fat Mum Slim on Instagram (as if I'm not addicted enough...) and I thought I would share the results with you! I had fun doing it and it was a nice way to challenge me to look at things in a different light and try to capture them creatively.
Which is what a photo challenge is for right?
(I missed day 4 because I was at Passion and there were no mailboxes to be seen anywhere... And day 29 because I forgot...)

1. You

2. Breakfast

3. Something you adore

5. Something you wore

6. Makes you smile

7. Favorite

8. Your sky

9. Daily routine 

10. Childhood

11. Where you sleep

12. Close up

13. In your bag

14. Something you're reading

15. Happiness

16. Morning

17. Water

18. Something you bought

19. Sweet

20. Someone you love

21. Reflection

22. Your shoes

23. Something old

24. Guilty pleasure

25. Something you made

26. Color

27. Lunch

28. Light
30. Nature

31. You. Again.


There's also a photo challenge for February I am thinking about doing as well! 
Want to join me?