New Beginnings

March is a month that is bringing with it a lot of new and exciting changes.

One of them being a change in jobs.
I actually have a few different jobs, however I decided recently that it was time to move on from my main one.
It was a really big decision and a hard one to make, but I felt it was the right thing to do. I've felt for awhile now that I'm not living my life to it's fullest, as cliche as that sounds, and using the talents and passions that God's given me to their fullest potential so I decided it was time to start.

I am now looking at pursuing my Etsy shop, blogging and photography more and making it more of a full time thing and am really excited about it! They are things I have loved doing for quite some time now and I firmly believe you should do something you love with your life so I am going to take a shot at it!
I'm also hoping to become more involved in The Gray Haven Project as well as some other ministries.
Prayer for discipline, perseverance, wisdom and strength would be greatly appreciated.
It's definitely going to be a lot of work (especially being my own boss...) but I am really excited to start on the journey!

The biggest thing I think I am going to be struggling with over the next few months is finding a good routine. I am the queen of procrastination and distractions. I will spend an hour on Pinterest before I get to editing photos. So I need to come up with a sort of system that allows me to get a good chunk of work done but also allows for breaks here and there to reward myself! I also need to create a system for breaking up work on the computer with other forums of work, because I have found that staring at a computer for 10+ hours a day is headache inducing and just all around not good for you.

Do you bloggers/photographers/Etsy-ers out there have any good tips with this sort of thing?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

On a similar note, I rewarded myself the other day and bought myself a little present.
Actually, a big present.
But in light of the new changes and hard work I've been doing lately I thought I deserved it.
Or at least I'm pretending I do...

Remember this bag?
Well I finally broke down and bought it.
I'm just a little bit in love.

 And finally, I want to take a moment to thank all of you who read my blog (The 242 there are of you now according to Blogger! And to the many who aren't on Blogger... Hey Grandparents!) and for your constant encouragement and support. I may not have time to respond to every comment, but I want you to know I read every single one and they mean so much to me.
Thank you for inspiring and motivating me to go after my dreams.
You all are the very dearest and best.

Here's to new beginnings.