A Week In Review #2

This week I...

-Ate a whole package of gummy worms...
-Was mentioned over on Amy's blog! So glad she likes her necklace.
-Watched the VCU game on Thursday (I'm becoming quite the Ram).
-Had several catch up dates with some very lovely friends (bagels and smoothies never tasted so good).
-Discovered the white chocolate Kit Kat. What have I been doing with my life until now???
-Discovered a new band: All Sons & Daughters.
-Scored some awesome thrifty finds at Goodwill. A Baekaard passport holder ($1.25), two bags of yarn ($2.50) and an orange ironing board which I didn't get on my first trip but I couldn't stop thinking about it all day so I went back for it ($4.25).
-Made my first ever tutorial!
-Booked some photosoots (Hurray!)
-Wore shorts for the first time since last Summer! It's getting warm around here.
-Ate a lot of junk food (shocking. I know.)
-Opened the windows in my room. I love when the season changes to allow this. You can't beat fresh air.
-Wore pigtails. Not sure I feel about them...
-Walked around Crate & Barrel making a mental wishlist of all the things I wish I could buy if I had all the money in the world.
-Came up with some new ideas for the shop.
-Drove to Yorktown to surprise one of my very dearest friends with a lunch date and photoshoot with her man! We had so much fun. It quite possibly was one of my favorite photoshoots ever. Keep an eye out for the photos soon!
-Drank a frozen lemonade. My favorite.
-Discovered Urban now sells Impossible Project's polaroid film! Now if only I could justify spending the $28 for a pack...
-Went to the river
-Half heartedly wore green on St. Patrick's Day
-Celebrated a friends birthday
-Made a cute owl necklace


 As you can see, it was quite a busy week.
And next week will be just as busy with getting ready to leave for England!

How was your week? What did you do?