A Week In Review #3

This week I...

-Was featured in two lovely sponsor posts over on Life as Twiggy and Sea of Blooming Dreams
-Went and saw The Artist. Such a good movie. Very much enjoyed it and I left wishing I could live temporarily in the 20's. So glamorous.
-Went to the eye doctor
-Ate the most ginormous rice krispie treat I've ever seen
-Went to a new Restaurant
-Shared some photos from my trip to Yorktown last weekend
-Discovered a new kind of oreo
-Had last week's tutorial featured on Fabulously Flawed!
-Had a successful photoshoot
-Saw the midnight premier of The Hunger Games (I mean let's be honest, who didn't?)
-Noticed my freckles coming back
-Knit some ties (once I get back from England there's gonna be a big shop update!)
-Wore a kimono
-Tried out some new hairstyles
-Went to the VMFA and enjoyed a nice early morning walk on the first day of Spring
-Did some grocery shopping
-Enjoyed the foggy mornings we had. I love foggy mornings.
-Shared a fun photoshoot! It involves balloons.
-Ate at one of my favorite restaurants: Mekong. If you like Vietnamese you have to go!
-Celebrated one of my brothers Birthday's. I love him dearly.

How was your week?