
Things have been really busy here over the past month.
Etsy and photography have been going really well!
 It's really exciting to see it all grow and make new connections and meet new people as well as have the freedom to design and create to my hearts content.
It's not as big as it needs to be quite yet, and I am still working on discipline and better organization but it's getting there and I'm so excited about it.
Custom orders seem to be my thing as of late. Which I'm totally fine with! I love collaborating with someone to achieve their dream creation.
That being said, email me if you want a custom item of any kind! I'd love to work with you:)

Anyway, here are some Etsy related instagrams from the past few weeks I thought I'd share.
Also, don't forget to enter my giveaway!
And take advantage of 10% off in the shop right now with the code: SPRINGCLEANING
Help me make room for the new things I've been working on!

All that being said, I wouldn't be able to do any of this without you guys. My readers, friends and family! You are all amazing and I can't tell you how much your encouragement and support means to me.
You guys are the bestest.

P.s. Oh yea and the  official Etsy twitter favorited, mentioned, retweeted, and followed me! I'm allowed to be excited about that right???