Dream Job

Found these words via Jessica's blog recently and they've had me thinking a lot.
They're definitely challenging words to say the least.
You have to create your dream job yourself.
I feel like that's what I'm in the process of doing though. 
I feel pretty accomplished actually, knowing I'm working on discovering and creating my dream job.
I know there are many people who are not as fortunate as I am in that way. 
Who are stuck working jobs they hate or jobs that only pay the bills but don't involve what they truly love doing. 
I'm so thankful for the opportunity and time of life I'm in to figure out what exactly my dream job is. 
It definitely involves a little bit of this. And this. And even this.
It's not the whole picture yet though.
I'm still figuring it out. 
But I'm having a blast doing it.

What's your dream job?