Be Still

A month or two ago I mentioned taking a little road trip up to the mountains by myself.
Of course I am just now getting around to sharing the photos, as is usual with my procrastinating self, but I did want to share them because it was such a great few hours for me.
To just get away for a little while and have a little mini adventure alone and take some time to revel in the beauty of God's creation was just what I needed in the midst of a busy week/month.
During my trip I was reminded of part of a verse, Psalm 46:10, which says:

"Be still, and know that I am God"

 I realized how often I failed to do that. How often I let myself get caught up in the stresses and turmoils of every day life and forget, or choose to ignore, that.
To be still in God's presence is something we have to do if we ever want to achieve the peace he promises us. We have to spend time with Him, to talk to Him, to be still with Him.
To sync our heart and minds with His truth.
We need to give God what He wants before He can give us what we want.
I think sometimes it takes us stepping away from our routines and noisy distractions to realize that, and that's okay. I think that's why nature is so beautiful and captivating honestly.
To remind us to be still.
To appreciate what He's created, and how beautiful it is, because it's for us.