Last Day of Being 20

Photo Cred: Meagan Abell

So today is my last day being 20.
It's kind of bittersweet really. As is every Birthday I suppose. 
My 20th year has held a lot of amazing things though. 
I'm definitely more blessed than ever!
I can't wait to see what the next year holds.

In honor of today I, of course, made a little list.
(When do I not?)
The things on the list aren't too spectacular and some I even do every day, but I wanted to commemorate the occasion, like I always do, so here it is...

 *20 Things To Do On My Last Day of Being 20*

1. Start my day with my devotion
2. Drink a cup of tea
3. Play with Lewis 
4. Treat myself to something special
5. Take a photo with the Minolta that symbolizes being 20
6. Read a chapter of a book
7. Buy a Birthday dress
8. Start a new knitting project for myself
9. Tell each of my family members I love them
10. Clean room
11. Make plans to do something fun
12. Listen to a record
13. Make a list
14. Take a walk
15. Think only happy thoughts
16. Don't worry
17. Listen to Taylor Swift really loudly in the car (be quiet, you know you do it too...)
18. Be productive
19. Relax
20. Eat a bowl of cereal