To Knit List

Most of you who know me, know that I am a little (okay a lot) obsessed with knitting.
Between knitting new things here and there for the shop I, of course, make projects for myself.
Since it's been perfect knitting weather I have been perusing my knitting patterns and knitting websites and knitting boards on Pinterest a little more than usual and I have a plethora of things I want to make.

Here is a list of some that I hope to get to before the year's out!
(Or before next year's out... to be more realistic)

(Except with maybe a bunny instead?!)

Learn the daisy stitch (as seen on these handwarmers)

A Hot Water Bottle Cover 
Or this one or this one
(After I get a hot water bottle of course...)

A Poncho

Fields of Wheat Cowl

What about you?
Do you knit?
What's on your to knit list?