Thursday Thoughts

So we didn't get a white Christmas this year, it's been a little rainy here in fact. But that's okay. It's good staying in weather.
Which is good because I have a lot of staying in to do!
Despite the fact that Christmas, and all the craziness it entails, is over I am still as busy as ever! The idea that I thought things would slow down after the holidays was clearly a misguided one.
Oh well, it's all a good kind of busy. Things are going really great and I have orders to work on, photos to edit and new things for the new year to plan!
And of course some belated presents to make and wrap...
I just hope I can work on regulating my sleep routine again.
But I got all the Christmas Etsy orders done on time, so that's what counts! Right?

Definitely blessed to have all this new work though. 
I literally cannot wait for all of the upcoming photoshoots, collaborations and projects the new year is going to bring! Not to mention a few exciting changes around here.

God is so good.