Life According To Instagram

This week I...

-Had to bundle up in like 45 layers in order to stay warm because it's been so freezingggggg.
I kinda like it. And I kinda hate it.
-Had a Valentine photoshoot with my Valentine! Photos coming soon. ;)
-Read what is possibly the best children's book of all time. I seriously need to buy myself a copy for when I have kids!
-Went to Urban Farmhouse. Again.
-Had a woodsy photoshoot with one of my favorite people (so many photoshoots this week! I love it.)
-Caved and made a Vine account. So go follow me I guess!
-Had a knitting needle break into FOUR pieces. That was a first.
-Took pictures of some cuties for some Sweetheart Sessions! And posted my first one here, check it out!
-Shared a favorite quote
-Had a photoshoot with a talented musician to promote her upcoming new single! Photos comin soon.
-Hung out with Lewis
-Started reading again! First on the list: All Wound Up (I know. I know. I am a shameless knitting nerd)
-Had a photoshoot with another gorgeous girl! Some of my new favorite images I'm pretty sure. Can't wait to share these!
-Was not lazy for once and tried to do something new with my hair
-Pretended to watch football
-Shared some more photos from England! On a roll with these.
-Shared some photos of my pretty friend Callie
-Listed a sweater in the shop! It's one of my favorite pieces yet. Go take a look!
-Shared the rest of the Jimenez Girls photos

It was a very busy week.

Follow me at @agirlnamedleney