Spring Cleaning Sale!

Despite the fact that it doesn't really feel like spring around here yet, the calendar says it is, so I've been doing a little spring cleaning!
Here are a few pieces from my inventory that are now available in the shop!
But not only that, they're super duper on sale!
I mean, what better way to start a new season then to buy yourself something pretty to wear with all those new spring clothes you've been buying?
Am I right?
Additionally, all the scarves and cowls are marked down 30% for just this weekend!
So if you've been thinking about getting one, now's the time to do it!
There's also some sale jewelry in the shop as well.
So head on over and check it out!
Ok enough with the exclamation points.

If you're interested in the specific items in these photos you can find them in the links below...
T-shirt Scarf
Flower Crown
Orange Cowl
Cropped Sweater
Doubled Blue Cowl
Fingerless Gloves
Earflap Hat

Thanks lots and lots to my friend James Lee for taking all these gorgeous photos! 
He's awesome.
You can see more of his work here.