Life According To Instagram

So this is a little bit of an unconventional week in review post.
Mostly because I haven't done one in ages. So this is kind of a mish-mash of some things that have been going on for the past week or two!

-Announced the brand new blog design! Let me know what you think. :)
-Had our (hopefully) last snow of the season. Ready for warm weather now!
-Worked on some new designs for the shop
-Posted more Europe photos
-Went to the zoo! The meerkats and giraffes were my favorite.
-Wished someone special a happy birthday
-Celebrated Easter
-Spent a whole week getting over being sick. It was pretty awful. Finally on the mend though and ready to get back to work!
-Figured you've heard about Google Reader biting the dust this Summer. So I thought I would mention that you can now follow me on Canopi (a super cool up and coming new site!) or Blog Lovin. :)

Follow me at @agirlnamedleney