Something About Books

I love reading.
I always have.
I've recently come to appreciate more the value of owning books rather than just borrowing them from the library (though don't get me wrong, I love the library).
Growing up I visited the library at least twice a week. Often even three times. Needless to say all of the librarians knew me and I was pretty good friends with a lot of them.
But there's just something about owning the book you're reading. 
It makes it, and the story it holds, all the more yours to enjoy.

I'm currently re-reading The Great Gatsby so I can be ready when the movie comes out.
My 21 year old self definitely appreciates it more than my 16 year old self ever did.
Funny how just 5 years can give you a much better understanding and appreciation for some things.

I found yet another Alice In Wonderland copy to add to my collection the other day. 
I think I have eight now?
I've lost count...

I am so excited for summer. 
With summer always comes extra time for reading.
Days at the beach, river, pool or sailing (any body of water actually seems to be coupled with my need to read). I just can't get enough.
I need to make a summer reading list soon.

What's on your to-read list?