Do Ya Have A Question?

Photo Cred: Meagan Abell

Hey friends!
So I'm considering doing some monthly or bi-monthly Q & A videos (or maybe just blog posts because me on video is pretty awkward...), what do you guys think?
I get lots of emails and Facebook messages from you all with various questions, and while answering them individually is definitely doable, answering them all at once might be more efficient and beneficial for everyone!

So what do you think?
Would you have any questions you'd want me to answer?
Whether Etsy related, knitting related, photography related or anything else related? 
Let me know!
Post any questions you have here in the comments, or feel free to shoot me Facebook message or email: 
If I get enough feedback, I'll do a post early next month with some answers!

P.s. Thanks Janel for giving me the idea to do this. ;)