The First Snow

It snowed here again a few days ago, and there's still some of it doggedly hanging onto little shady patches of grass and curbs and other untouched surfaces.
This has been my least favorite snow this winter. I am just more than ready for spring, and dresses, and sunshine and bare feet and windows down driving (actually, I still drive with the windows down when it's cold out... but I'm ready for it to be weather appropriate) and flowers and warmth and sweet tea (because for some reason I can only drink sweet tea when it's warm out) and sailing and reading on the beach and and.... well I guess you get the idea.

These were taken earlier this winter during our first snow (which I don't even remember when that was... we've had so much snow this year. For Richmond at least.) when I was excited about it and thought it was beautiful and magical and all of those sugary sweet things you feel about the first winter's snow.
I thought I'd share them today in an attempt to brighten my mood about this weather and to remind myself that spring will be here soon enough.
(Tomorrow technically, so I don't have long to wait!)