Summer Reads

| Follow me on Instagram at @agirlnamedleney | 

Took a little trip to a few of the local second hand book shops around here last week and picked up these beauties.
I actually got a few more that aren't pictured here, but I'd already read them and I'd bought them solely because they were beautiful/I didn't have them in my collection, so I thought the new ones deserved more attention. 

I still haven't read all of the books that were on last years summer reading list, but that's sort of the beauty of reading. Those books will always be there and there will always be time to read them.
Which is a good thing too because (almost daily) I am finding more and more to add to my never ending "to-read" list....

I've already, this week, read five of these though, so I think I'm making smashing progress.
I do have a feeling though that The Iliad is one my ego was more on board with than anything...
We'll see if I can actually finish it.

What are some of the books on your to-read list?