Powhatan's Festival of Fiber

A few months ago I went to my first ever fiber festival. 
For those of you are aren't knitting/crocheting obsessed like I am and are possibly wondering what the heck a fiber festival is, I will explain.
 It's essentially an event where people from all over the country come and rent booths/tents/spaces to sell their knitting/crocheting/spinning/and other fiber related hobby wares to other knitting/crocheting/spinning/other fiber related hobby obsessed people. 
It's pretty much my version of heaven.
It's actually pretty surprising that I've never been to one before because of just how up my alley it is. 
Anyway, while I was there I learned how to spin yarn on a wheel and from a drop spindle (the former I'm pretty bad at, and the latter I'm still working on mastering...) which has been on the bucket list for quite some time (didn't know that could be on anyone's bucket list did you?). 
So needless to say I felt pretty accomplished and proud of myself by the end of the day.
I also tried my hand at a bit of weaving which was also super fun. 
All in all it was quite the successful day (though my wallet might think otherwise) and I met so many wonderful, helpful and fun people.
I will definitely be returning next year!

(You are now welcome to insert all of your knitting granny and cat lady jokes here)


You can check out the Powhatan Festival of Fiber on Facebook, Twitter and on their website here.
The next one is on April 25th, 2015 so mark your calendars!