The Urbexing Diaries | Eleanor

I thought that this place, while it's not the most recent I've ventured to but definitely my favorite urbexed location thus far, would be the perfect post to kick off a new series I'm introducing on the blog. 

The Urbexing Diaries.

What in the world is Urbexing? Essentially it stands for urban exploring. Primarily of places and buildings that are abandoned and have been left behind and long forgotten. 
A while back, in an attempt to collectively document all of my instagram posts of my urbexing adventures, I came up with the hashtag: #theurbexingdiaries 
But I haven't just been taking *iphone snaps of these escapades and so I decided to start a series here on the blog for all of my digital images as well. 
I'll probably have a more in depth post at some point about urbexing and how it works/why I do it, but for now...

This breathtaking plantation home will always be my favorite place that I've urbexed I think.
Even though it's popularity is growing and the magic and mystery of it somewhat diminishes with each new photograph taken and published of it, it's still an incredibly beautiful and striking place that you just can't help but fall in love with and want to be able to capture.
Even despite it's foreboding and almost haunting existence.  
When I first saw it in real life, after having seen so many photos of it, it gave my heart a little jump start to be in the presence of it. 
The photos truly do not do it justice.

Meagan, my adventure soulmate, also has her post up on her blog from this day as well which you can see here.
Oh and Eleanor? That's what we named it. 
Because we name all of our abandoned places.
So as to ensure and commemorate their place in our hearts and protection of their whereabouts.

And because, as is always the urbexing code, we take nothing but photographs and leave nothing but footprints.

*There are also iphone snaps of Eleanor here

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