Folkling Shop Update: Because of A Field of Buttercups

I know there have been more “Folkling Shop Update” posts than others lately on here.
The main reason, if I’m being honest, is that more in depth creation is the thing that’s keeping me goin these days.

And these posts allow for that.

But also my hope with these posts is that I can more consistently share a little more of my artistry and inspiration.
How I correlate and connect all of my passions into a photograph of a dress.
How a field of buttercups can leave your creative cup filled for days.
How the fullness of intention, mindfulness and specific action can be executed in everything that we do.

It’s a stretch to you perhaps. But it makes sense in my mind.

I’d been driving past this field for about a week, watching the golden waves grow brighter and brighter with each passing rain.
I finally donned this folkling dress and headed out to shoot in it yesterday afternoon.

These photographs emulate a feeling of quarantine relief for me. The ability to go outside and be in nature amidst this pandemic has been one of the saving graces of where I currently am.

I hope this dress can bring a similar feeling of calm— Even if you just wear it around the house.

Suggested listen: Diamonds & Gasoline by The Turnpike Troubadours

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