Are your glasses real?

Yes they are! I would be blind as a bat without them. If you see me not wearing them that means I have contacts in!

Do you sell your knitting patterns?

I create and design all of the patterns for the knitted and crocheted items in my shop myself and it's a lot of hard work! But at this time I do not sell the patterns.

How the heck do you pronounce your name?

I get this a lot.
To put it simply: LeeKnee. Or even, the way it sounds at the end of Tortellini.
Hopefully that makes sense!

Who took the welcome images on your blog?

My friend Meagan Abell! She also helped me design my logo. You should check out her website: www.meaganabellphotography.com

Which iPhone apps do you use to edit your photos?

I love Afterlight, VSCO, Over and of course Instagram!

What camera do you use?

I use a Canon 5d Mark ii with a 50mm 1.2, a 40mm 2.8 and a 85mm 1.8 lens. 

What Photoshop do you use?

I primarily use Adobe Lightroom 3. 

Do you have any tips for someone opening up an Etsy shop?

I answered a few questions and gave a few tips in this post here that you might find helpful

Can you recommend some things to do in Richmond? 

Definitely! I'm actually working on a Guide to Richmond post for the blog, but in the meantime feel free to email me for any suggestions.

Would you want to meet up for coffee? Or donuts? Or pie?

Yes. To all of the above. I love making new friends! Just shoot me an email and we can coordinate schedules. 

Do you travel for weddings/other photoshoots?

I do indeed! Shoot me an email for more info: by.leney@gmail.com