
Life In The Country

“If I could have made the change sooner I daresay I should never have given a thought to the literary delights of Paris or London; for life in the country is the only state which has always completely satisfied me, and I had never been allowed to gratify it, even for a few weeks at a time. Now I was to know the joys of six or seven months a year among fields and woods of my own, and the childish ecstasy of that first spring outing at Mamaroneck swept away all restlessness in the deep joy of communion with the earth.” 

―  Edith Wharton

Photos shot for Yesterday's Heroes 
Linen pieces by OffOn and available at Yesterday's Heroes along with vintage accessories used in the styling of this shoot.
Air plants courtesy of Strawberry Fields Flowers & Finds
Modeling by Sarah Grace Cheek

A Parisian Morning

Shadows dissipating on white walls
Construction on the street drifting up through the window
Coffee in tiny cups
Billie Holiday
Tracy Chapman
More bread
Fans shushing
Shades of blue
French blue
More Tracy Chapman
Postcard writing
A Parisian morning

Glasses: Firmoo
Shirt: Colopalo
Shorts: Urban Outfitters
Jewelry: Brittany Channel
Watch: Marc Jacobs
Journal: The Rootless Spruce

This post was sponsored by Firmoo.
Firmoo has really lovely glasses that are not only unique but affordable.
I love this pair they sent me and highly recommend their frames!

You can shop through their online store as well as connect with them on Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter.

If you're interested in sponsoring a post, shoot me an email:

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People In Color

When you photograph people in color, you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in black and white, you photograph their souls. || Ted Grant

Some favorites from the most recent shoot with Rosewood Clothing Co.
You can shop some of these pieces on their online shop as well as in their brick and morter location here in Richmond at 16 W Broad.

Unquiet One

Her mind is an unquiet one, words and thoughts and impulses constantly crashing into each other. || David Levithan -She's Simply Human

Some favorite shots from last week's shoot for Rosewood Clothing Co.
Kathy, Erica and Kalie are all insanely drop dead gorgeous, are they not?

Rosewood Clothing Co.
Surface Handmade
Native Nest

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