Those People

sometimes people come into your life at very specific and necessary times. 
to teach you something. 
so you’ll teach them something. 
to lead you somewhere you wouldn’t have otherwise gone. 
to help you through something you needed help through. 
to say something you needed to hear.

but those people don’t always stick around. 
sometimes they’re friends. 
sometimes they’re acquaintances. 
sometimes they’re significant others. 
sometimes too they’re family, and their not sticking around is often the hardest to cope with. 
and sometimes those people won't not be around but instead they'll be in and out of your life, for different times, different seasons. 

but sometimes, they’re meant to just be there for a time, and then after that time has come to an end you have to learn to move on. you can’t keep hanging onto the what-ifs and the might-maybe-mays. because you’ll never give yourself the opportunities you deserve to grow and move and be into the person you’re meant to grow and move and be into. 

those people don’t know how you like your coffee. 
those people don’t know what to say when you’ve had a bad day.
those people don’t know whether you’re going to break out in song and dance when that song comes on the radio, or change the station.
those people don’t know that dancing is your way of unwinding, letting go, being free.
those people don’t know that you never really liked _____and you were just pretending to for their sake.
those people don’t know about that big scary-all-the-way-through thing that happened to you.
those people don’t know about that extremely-wonderful-over-the-moon-amazing thing that happened to you.
those people don’t know about these people.
those people don’t know about the book you read that made you feel that way that made you do this.
those people don’t know about that place that you went and what you did when you were there.
those people don’t know that you’re stronger than you’ve ever been in your whole life in so many ways and you love the person you are and are becoming as a result.

and those are altogether not necessarily the most important things in the world… but think about the people who do know the answer to those things about you and how those people no longer know.

and that maybe there’s a reason they don’t.