Self Portrait

A Kind of Therapy

It’s been a kind of therapy photographing these old things for Folkling.
Documenting their history and imperfection, creating moods with the photos that capture not only theirs but my seasonal shifts in becoming.
But perhaps that is the marker of any practice or art form that brings us joy.
In that it is a kind of therapy— A healing of the disorder of our lives.
A remedial execution of action that we turn to to make things right when they presently aren’t.

Such is the act of self portraiture hidden within the documentation of these old garments for me.

In a lot of ways it would make my life easier to just hire a model to shoot these pieces. It’s an involved and time intensive process setting up my tripod, connecting my phone to my camera, battling the spotty connection between the two and reshooting the images until I capture the thing I have in my head.
But there is a type of learned patience within this too.
Or perhaps I am aggrandizing the process…

I suppose I digress.
All of this is to say that I am working on releasing this small collection in the shop soon.

Stay tuned.