Scintillating Beauty

today i read Martin Luther King Jr.’s thoughts in Letter From Birmingham Jail and was struck by their immense wisdom and meaning. i wanted to share some of my favorite lines and statements from it. there were some much larger passages which i especially loved but i refrained from stating larger ones as i want to encourage you to read it for yourself as a whole if you haven't. 
it is such an incredibly applicable and relevant piece for our world's present struggles.

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30 Days of Slow Living

30 Days of Slow Living

so remember that project i mentioned a few days ago?
well i'm ready to share it!

i talk about slow living on here a lot. it's a thought process and lifestyle that has honestly changed my health and well being in countless ways as it's become engrained into my daily life. 
what is slow living?
in short: it's living your life with intention and mindfulness. it's taking the time to enjoy life's gifts in the various, often overlooked, forms they take. even when it requires extra steps and time-maybe even especially when. 

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