
I Must Love You

"Ordinarily, I go to the woods alone, with not a single
friend, for they are all smilers and talkers and therefore

I don’t really want to be witnessed talking to the catbirds
or hugging the old black oak tree. I have my way of
praying, as you no doubt have yours. 

Besides, when I am alone I can become invisible. I can sit
on the top of a dune as motionless as an uprise of weeds, 
until the foxes run by unconcerned. I can hear the almost
unhearable sound of the roses singing.

If you have ever gone to the woods with me, I must love
you very much." 
— Mary Oliver

My beautiful country girl. I'm so happy to have you home. 

Though, somehow, even more happy about the fact that you have a little being you'll be bringing into the world soon.
I cannot wait to meet them and smother them with my love and all of the baby knits and baby overalls.

You've always been one I can go to the woods with.

Tumblehome | Camping In Maine

The first of many adventures under the Tumblehome name.

This road trip up to Maine with Una and my Father, The Sailor, and our puppy named Huck, was one of the highlights of my Summer.
Camping on islands, early morning foggy sails, food cooked over a fire, drinks and stories shared with new friends, refreshing (ie: frigid) afternoon swims, shell-rock-driftwood collecting and quality time with one of my favorite people in the world all captured a mood and feeling of simplicity, intention, and that not-so-elusive-after-all slow living mindset I am always chasing after.

See more photos from our trip by following us over on our Instagram

Slow Living | Mr. Draper

Today's post is brought to you by a new friend of mine over in Australia. 
Alistair of Mr. Draper makes the most lovely linen goods, and what's more, he is so passionate and enthusiastic about what he does, which makes his work all the more beautiful. 

He sent me one of his doona's, (for us American's that's the Australian name for a duvet cover) and I honestly don't know that I've ever loved a handmade piece for my home more than this ocean of blue goodness. 
(You can see early photos on Instagram here and here as well)

It's so soft and the color is incredibly rich and gorgeous. It transformed my bedroom into that calm, cool and inviting place I'd been dreaming of almost instantly. 
Not to mention I'm head over heels for his branding and packaging.
Alistair is such a kind and wonderful person to collaborate with and support and I hope that if you're in need of any linen you'll check out his shop! He also makes sheets, tea towels and pillow cases as well as other home accents. 
I'm also in love with his practice of repurposing your worn out linen. 
Slow living and mindfulness encouraged in your home? Check.

"The core principal behind Mr. Draper's products is to not just buy and toss stuff every few years. Rather, make a considered purchase that will be with you for many years to come."

This post was sponsored by Mr. Draper.
You can shop through their online store as well as connect with Alistair on Instagram.

If you're interested in sponsoring a post or collaborating, shoot me an email:


Other artists and makers I love whose work was featured in this post include...

Nanin - Palo Santo + Desert Rose Candle
Willow Knows - Scarf
Oldtime Feeling - Floral arrangement
Matt Johnson - American Hearts Book
Alex Elle - Note 2 Self Journal
Yesterday's Heroes - Sheep and Shepherd framed art
The Rootless Spruce - Travel Journal

Doug + Mary

oh my heart, my heart, my heart.
it's so very all-the-way full, overflowing in fact, in that way that only comes around on those once-in-a-lifetime days because of a once-in-a-lifetime event.

oh what a week. 
a week of laughter and tears and joy and bittersweet how-is-this-already-here's and how-is-it-already-over's.
but it's not really over, it is in fact just the beginning.
the beginning of a life long adventure. 
i'm so incredibly happy for these two wonderful beings. one of whom i've been blessed enough to know for almost a decade now, and as for the other... well as my friend Hannah put it: 
"he fist pumped into our lives and stole my favorite dance partner." 
but there's no one i'd rather share the dance floor with and welcome into our little rag tag band of a family.
back to her? well... she's one of my persons and i'm so very happy that she's found her as-long-as-they-both-shall-live person. it was such an honor to celebrate their love and commitment with them these last few days. an honor i'm not fully able to express or explain. 
i cannot wait to continue doing life with them. 

happy to have broken the "once a wedding photographer never a bridesmaid" spell. 
i would do it all again in a heartbeat. 

A Wedding In Film

I shot part of this Lexington wedding in film and I fell head over heels for the results when I got them back from the lab.
Jess and Daniel's day was truly a dreamy one, with the backdrop of the mountains and the company of all of their loved ones to add to the celebration of their love.

There's just something indescribable about shooting film.
Every time I try to explain it to people I never seem to be able to convey the feeling and sentiment of it. Especially in this digital driven day and age. 
But if I were to try here, I would have to say it's something about the extra intentionality and care that comes with the framing of a shot, the heavy methodical sound of the shutter releasing, the anticipation of seeing how the images turned out, the knowledge that each image is truly a once in a lifetime moment captured and not backed up by 20 similar digital shots, the slight imperfections, the satisfaction of used up film canisters all lined up on a shelf awaiting to be developed, the patience the whole process requires...

It just all echoes that sentiment of slow living that I do so resonate with and live for.